Saturday, December 1, 2007

Bethel for a Day

Bethel Philippines! The cleanest spot in Quezon City. It sits somewhere on Roosevelt Drive, about 45 minutes from the airport (kasi, maraming traffic).

This is my room, all to myself! Usually the Governing Body members stay here. Can you beleive that? Anyway, it's a requirement to be clean. You're not allowed to have more than 2 items on your desk! And after you shower, wash your dish, or brush your teeth, you have to wipe up everything. Everything must be dry! Isn't that so cool? I'm going to implement that rule.

Everyone in Manila loves karaoke, ooops, I mean "videoke." Here's Kuya Serfain singing some love song, probably Elvis. Good voice.

Playing pool at bethel. Kuya Jepti is smiling because he just beat me, for the 5th time in a row.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mode of transportation

Be brave, ride the trycicle. Cost is about 15 pesos, or 30 cents, to get you to the mall.

I used this in the rice fields. Thanks bario captain! It's one mean machine... with a kitten.

Ah! The preferred choice of transportation to get to the province. It takes about 1 hour, which is better than the usual bus ride, which takes 8 hours, and a little better than the caribou, which takes about 1,000 days.